Hi there everybody, sorry for the layout change taking so long. ^^;;;;
In any case that's done, and I can finally update....the biggest update since Hakanai (re)opened last year; but let's follow my usual order.
First things first, the new look: I'm starting (maybe :p) to get a hang of container div designs; this is my second time coding the content, sidebar and footer part that way, and I was able to solve the footer problem - the one I always have when coding this king of layout - in half the time. As for the technicalities, this is an advanced divs premade called
Our generation and featuring the Generation of Miracles from
Kuroko no Basuke animanga series....and I adore the contrast between the dark backgrounds and the super-colofrul links and image. ♥♥
Now, the juiciest - and hugest - part: the additions.
As mentioned above this is the biggest batch I've ever made since Hakanai opened back last year, but it's also
probably the biggest batch ever; here are the details of what's inside it.
- 10 new div designs, ranging from Pokemon to kickarse Fairy Tail.
- 2 new table designs, respectively featuring an old artwork and Gaara from Naruto.
- 4 new headers, most of which were used in this batch's premades.
I can't believe I made so many div layouts, but I got inspired by so many premade stylesheets I couldn't stop; hope you like them. Let me know what's your favorite in this batch - personally I adore the Fairy Tail div one. n.n
Have to go now, as it's almost dinner time and I have to help my mum with prepping it; see you all on next entry.
Take care guys, and have a wonderful week and week-end. ♥